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Centers Of Gravity:

Quick links: Instinctive Center, Moving Center, Emotional Center, Intellectual Center

(In process)
update: 10-27-11 at 9:32 am
update: 10-28-11 at 9:25am
update: 10-29-11 at 10:35am (moving center)
update: 11-01-11 at 8:00am (moving part of moving center update)
update: 11-01-11 at 10:15am (intellectual part of moving center update)
update: 11-12-11 at 2:00pm (emotional and intellectual centers)
update: 11-14-11 at 8:00am (added to description of emotional part of intellectual center)
update: 02-11-20 at 4:00am (re-wrote some of the descriptions)

Each person is born with the potential for four main abilities (centers), each ability is responsible for a part of that person's makup. A few people do not develop all of them but they all are a potential at birth. Center of gravity is the center the person uses most to interact with the world. The "centers" are Instinctive, Moving, Emotional, and Intellectual. They can be thought of as brains although when referring to our brain, we mean the intellectual center.

The Instinctive center is responsible for the body's health. It is where automatic functions originate such as breathing, heart beating, reproduction, wound healing, digestion, waste elimination and all the aspects that we know as "life, health and disease". It is the part of us that decides if food is good to eat based on its smell or taste.

The Moving center is responsible for learned movement. It learns and remembers things such as walking, running, balance, opening doors, spacial relationships, typing, riding a bicycle, driving, playing a musical instrument, and sports. The moving center uses movement to communicate. "Here. Let me show you how to do it!".

The emotional center is where "feelings" reside. The feeling of Christmas, the feeling of anticipation, disgust, non-physical pain, joy, happiness and more are in the emotional center.

The intellectual center is where words, rules, laws and idiological concepts live. All the centers have their ways of communicating but the intellectual center uses words to do it.

At the moment of birth, only the instinctive center functions and the others develop at particular times. Walking, speech, drawing then writing are the most common progressions of center development. Some genetic physical abnormalities or acquired illnesses prevent the normal development of the centers.

A "center of gravity" is the center where the person "gravitates" to when alone. For some, it is things relating to the bodily functions. For others, it may be movment learned or creative. Some are most comfortable living with emotional rules (how to act and feel in a particular circumstance). And for others, it is words. Cultural laws that dictate what to think in all curcumstances provides comfort for these people.

Most of us have all four centers, each with a particular level of development and the one most developed and most frequented is the center of gravity.

Sexual attraction:

Sexual attraction is normally a multi-center activity. Some people have an imaginary image of what an ideal mate would look like, discounting every other factor. A male might "pine" for a popular blonde singer or movie star never considering actual compatibility. This almost always comes from imagination and vanity.

Outside of this imaginary person, the initial attraction comes from center of gravity.

That is because moving centered people congregate where moving centered activity occurs. A ski resort, dancing lessons, swimming, at a gym, being involved ia a sport, at a sporting event, etc.

The second factor of attraction is alchemy (see the alchemy section for details). Within any large number of people, sub groups also separate by areas of interest and alchemy.

If two people meet who are the same center of gravity, they will usually be attracted to each other even if other parameters do not mesh.

The second parameter governing sexual attraction is chief feature. If the features are compatible then body type usually is the deciding factor. A compatible body type is either a maximum attraction (opposite) or a one-step (one step away from one's own center).

Instinctive Center

If this is a person's center of gravity, he/she will often be "me" oriented and have little if any real concern for others, even for their own offspring depending on the level of development of the other centers to mitigate it.

The Instinctive center is composed of four parts:


The instinctive part of the instinctive center takes care of the automatic functioning areas such as circulatory, respiratory, the immune system, the digestive system, etc. If any of these systems malfunction, the body can cease to live.

This is the part of the body that lives on when a person is in a coma or has suffered major injuries that otherwise might lead to death.

It is the part that keeps the body alive for someone who drowned and was later recovered, who was frozen and later recovered, someone who had a massive injury and was left in a vegitative state, etc.

This part digests food, extracts nutrients, and excretes what is unused. All automatically.

Movements that occur here are this part changing the body's position so that organs can function properly. They are completely automatic.


The moving part of the instinctive center is what drives a newborn to grope for a breast and nurishment.

When this part first awakens, a baby starts to roll over and later crawl, but not walk. Walking is the domain of the instinctive part of the moving center.

It is the memory storage for instinctive things. In the beginning, everything goes into the mouth for analysis and storage of sensory memories (touch, smell, sight, hearing, and taste). These memories are compartmentalized. Stored in cubbies by subject. They do not connect one to another and they are only of instinctive things involving one or more senses relating to one or more circumstances, all with an instinctive element.

It has an affinity to music with a heavy beat (possibly emulating the mother's heart beat while being held).

The possibility of memories from the womb or birth are remote because this part of the instinctive center develops after birth, not before.

As this part develops, it controls excretions as pertaining to where and when they will occur (potty training).

Later, it controls the gross movements required to keep the body alive. Things such as covering the eyes with a hand to prevent a flying object from entering or an involuntary jump to avoid a dangerous situation.

This is the part in newborn animals that allows them to walk and escape from danger moments after birth.


This part of the instinctive center develops after the moving part is functioning. A baby will crawl off the edge of a bed, or other "high" place then learn to avoid the feeling that accompanies the event.

Some babies are caught by an adult and initially find it exciting rather than something to be avoided.

The emotional part of the instinctive center is the part that sends chills up the spine in response to potential bodily injury. It can cause flight or fight reactions to any circumstance it thinks has the potential for harm.

This part produces the sensation when falling that is often called a "thrill". It is the feeling people get, mostly involving falling but all with the potential for bodily injury or death, who seek out dangerous activities such as sky diving, bunjee jumping, driving fast, riding a wild animal, etc.

It comes into play for most people when there is a "near miss", a "near fall". or a "close call" with something that could cause death or injury.

This is the part that causes sleepieness in an ordinary day or the inability to sleep in the perceived presence of danger.

If this part recalls memories stored by the moving part, it usually recalls more than one memory by subject. A subject of "apple pie" may recall memories of smell and taste as well as one or more circumstances surrounding an encounter with the subject of the memory. If the pie was eaten say in a warm cozy kitchen with ice cream or whipped cream and was a wonderful experience, recalling it will be pleasurable. But, if eating apple pie made one ill and that event was accompanied with instinctively negative associations, the subject will recall repulsive memories.


This is the part of the instinctive center that can smell food to determine if it is spoiled and may cause illness to occur from ingesting the substance. On the other side, it will allow a person to eat spoiled food to stay alive. It makes "best option" decisions. It uses the memories stored in the moving part as a reference but can overrule the emotional interpretation.

It is the part that will turn to meet the gaze of someone staring out of sight behind a person.

This is the part that in an actual fall can overcome the emotional thrill or fear and cause a calm intentional reaction. It can allow a climber with an arm stuck between rocks to amputate the arm instead of perishing from lack of food or water.

This part can withhold the pain of an injury until the body can reach help. On a less intense scale, it causes the feeling of pain when some part of the body needs attention. During the control over pain, it gives a tingling sensation instead of pain that reminds us an injury has occurred.

It can cause a total loss of memory of the incident when faced with catastrophic injury.

Moving Center

If this is a person's center of gravity, he/she will move more than any of the other centers and be attracted to movement.


The instinctive part of the moving center usually augments and can be controlled by any part of the instinctive center. However, the ordinary connection is with the moving part of the instinctive center. While the moving part of the instinctive center might crawl to reach food, the instinctive part of the moving center would walk instead.

It enhances the moving part of the instinctive center and provides more mobility for the necessary or sometimes indulgencies of the emotional part of the instinctive center. It can be controlled by the intellectual part of the instinctive center to move the body out of harm's way.


This part of the moving center is the keeper, or memory storage facility for movements. I remembers how to get an eating utensil into the mouth without smearing food over the face, clothing and surraouding area. It remembers how to walk, run, jump, ride a bicycle, drive a car, operate tools or machinery, etc. It remembers all learned movements.

This is the place where balance lives.

It is not until this part of the moving center has developed that walking becomes something that no longer requires effort and attention. The same is true of other moving activities. Until they are memorized here, they do not function automatically. This part is often referred to as "skill" beacause it can recall stored movements and execute them repetitively with great accuracy.

These memories ae compartmentalized. Stored for later retrieval by individual memory. They do not connect one to another.

The memories in this part are "put there" by the intellectual part of the moving center, the intellectual part of the instinctive center, or the intellectual part of the emotional center. This center does not learn on its own. It requires other parts to store the memories. When the person associates with another person who has an accent, or unusual movements, this part will sometimes mimic the other person's unusual characteristics.

A person raised in a northern US state may find himself acquiring a southern flavor to his/her speech when in a southern state and regularly around a person with an accent. Interestingly, this faux accent is not stored in moving center memory. It is just a temporary imitation.


This part of the moving center is most often associated with the emotional parts of either the emotional center or the instinctive center but sometimes functions on its own.

The emotional parts of all the centers are the energetic "spark", "fire", "hot button", etc. for various functions. They are characterized by hot, short bursts.

This part of the moving center is not capable of sustained movement. The moving part of this center is required for that.

Sometimes it is intentionally evoked by the intellectual part of the moving or instinctive centers.

The intellectual part of the instinctive center might recruit it to provide explosive movement to get out of danger, to fend off an attacker or some other reason to preserve the body.

The intellectual part of the moving center often uses this part to provide renewed interest in storing a complex moving memory in the moving part. This abiliity is where the fuel for long tasks comes from.

The emotional parts of all centers have a positive and a negative half and vascillate between them in short intervals.

On the positive side, enjoyment of movement occurs here. It gets a "high" feeling from "free" undisiplined, uncontrolled non-competitive forms of movement. Skipping, line dancing, conga lines, aimless running, dancing freely, rolling down a gentle slope, saucer sledding, tubing, sliding, somersaults, jumping on the bed, etc. These activities are almost always associated with laughing and smiling.

The image of a colt running and kicking is this part and the phrase "kicking up your heels" refers to the emotional part of the moving center.

The negative side of this part produces movements of boredom, disgust, and pleasure derived from physically destroying something, causing pain to or dominating another being, animal or human.

Strangely, the negative side of this part is involved in both winning and losing a moving competition. It enjoys the conquest over another person or his reputation.

The same is true if this person engages in the contest and does not win. Both experiences come from the negative side of this part. The positive side derives enjoyment from movement with no desire to compete.

This part often associates with the emotional part of the instinctive center to combine the "thrill" of danger with the joy of movement. These activities engage in contact sports or activities involving danger such as skydiving, bungee jumping, sleding, skiing, car and horse racing, etc.

When the emotional movements are combined with instinctive emotion, the laughing and smiling are not there or do not occur until after the event.


The intellectual part of the moving center is the creative part and "master" of both the moving and the emotional parts. It can evoke and control the energy of the emotional part, metering it out to produce work much as an internal combustion engine contains the fire of burning fuel that uncontained would just produce a momentary flash.

It causes memories to be stored in the moving part to "play back" as needed. This part does the actual learning of movements but does not have either the inclination or ability to repeat these movements in precisely the same way at a later time. The moving part does this.

This part likes new challenges and non-repetitive moving puzzles and activities like checkers, chess, karate, archery, etc. Things that might seem repetitive, are actually being changed and refined over time.

When learning a moving activity, this is the part that will test the limits, taking the movement past the point of failure to learn what that point is so as not to exceed the limits in the future.

This part requires focused attention and if a person is not "centered" here, will find it uncomfortable and exhausting to gather up that much concentration.

This part of the moving center analyzes how mechanical things work and can "invent" new devices based on existing principles. It does not create something out of nothing even if it might seem that way.

If this is a person's center of gravity, the movements stored in the moving part will be more precise than if a person is not centered here. The reson for this is because the refining of movement happens after more than one attempt. If a person is centered in the moving part, he/she will accept the first memory and leave it at that.

To get a moving part person to improve requires many repetitions of exactly the same movement to bring about even a small change.

If a person is centered in the emotional part, the high energy will amplify the stored movements and cause them to be exaggerated in their performance. The storeed memory, however does not change its robotic nature.

A person centered in the intellectual part repeats the movements, refining them with every replay.

This part evaluates almost everything in terms of spacial relarionships and the interactions within the current spacial parameters.

Emotional Center

If this is a person's center of gravity, he/she will relate to the world through feelings and items of symbolic sugnificance or concept.


The instinctive part of the emotional center is the location of the bonding or lack of bonding between parent and child.


This part of the emotional center is the keeper, or memory storage facility for emotions or concepts such as civilized societal interactions.

This is the part where "appropriate" emotional responses are stored, such as feelings about religion, birth, death, war, marriage, divorce, people of other body types, etc.

Judgements about another persons character are stored here. A person in any society is expected to show particular emotions in almost every circumstance. If a parent's child has been kidnapped, society will assume parental involvement if the appropriate emotional response is not present or visible.

All moving parts of centers are the stimuls/response mechanisms of the body, but the moving part of the emotional center is more random than the other centers because emotions are not taught directly as a subject in our American society. I don't know about other societies.

Rather, emotions are learned from observing others, reading about them, or acquired by watching movies or plays. Religion plays a large part in training one to store particular emotional responses.


This part of the emotional center is most often associated with quickly changing and strong emotional reactions to circumstances. This part, more than the emotional parts of the other centers is a pendulum. High emotions give way to negative ones with the regularity of ocean waves in a storm. The only consistent factor is that whatever the emotion of the moment, it will become its opposite in short time.

Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (Lewis Carroll) characterized this part of the emotional center as the Queen of Hearts.


The intellectual part of the emotional center is the part that understands relational concepts, such as those between people, a person's relationship to life, loyalties, love, hate, friendships, and higher entities.

It is the part that appreciates beauty and the cycles of life. It arranges things harmonically according to the relationships of each element.

This part questions why we are here, what happens when we die and ones destiny. It understands the concept of angels and universal consciousness.

This part painted the Mona Lisa, designed machines of war and observed life's proportions. This part devised democracy. This wrote the 9th symphony. This part is Nietzsche's lion.

If this is one's center of gravity, life and its surroundings will be harmonically arranged. Also, people of other centers of gravity will usually be unable to relate well to you unless you bring your compatible centers to the front. This part usually has that ability. It relates to a moving centered person through its own moving center, an intellectually centered person through its intellectual center and an instinctively centered person through its instinctive center.

Intellectual Center

If this is a person's center of gravity, he/she will relate to the world through words and abstract symbols such as mathematics.


The instinctive part of the intellectual center is the location of speech.


This part of the intellectual center is the keeper, or memory storage facility for words and laws.

This part places no value judgements on words but simply plays them back when stimulated to do so. The stimulations can be quite random. Hearing a song in the morning can cause this part to replay it over and over throughout the day.

It is this part, usually in combination with other centers moving parts, that dreams during sleep. The running, falling, playing a slight over and over, etc. and other moving part memories and contortions are evoked by this part.

In extreme circumstances, it might memorize an entire dictionary or encyclopedia. This part is what is most often mistaken for intelligence. It knows how to spell words and correctly punctuate sentences but lacks the creativity to write them.

Laws, totally unrelated to each other are stored and replayed without end. A person centered here wants a law for everything because laws can be brought to bear on almost any circumstance. If a circumstance is encountered that there is no law, it wants a new one made irregardless a possibly contradictory effect on existing laws.

This part automatically plays back associated memories. Roses are red, Violets are .... Salt and ...... Wheaties, breakfast of ....... Break the law, go to ........


This part of the intellectual center is most often associated with the love of words and the learning of them. They can be complete nonsense such as The Cat in The Hat or Jabberwoky but can be equally excited by "great works" whether it understands them or not.

This part indescriminately stores words in the moving part but it likes "black and white" thinking. Either this or that. "You love me or you don't". "Love your country or leave it". "Are you with me or against me?".

This part can impose harsh penalties for infractions of law. Even death to the violator. This part is most often the impetus for wars, especially religious and other idilogically motivated wars. This part likes to refer to a book or other written document as the ultimate decider if there is any question about a law. "If it is written, it is true" thinking.

It also likes combinations of things the other centers would not make. Curried applesauce, honey on a hamburger, etc. It also likes the sound of words. Arugula must have special properties because it sounds better than saying leaf lettuce or just plain lettuce. To this part, if the word for something sounds good, the thing the word refers to must be good.


The intellectual part of the intellectual center is the part that can create abstract laws and rules then create an entire branch of humanity to teach and espouse its properties. Calculus, for example, is something unique to this part of the intellectual center. It creates symbols to represent mathematical concepts then manipulates them to create or prove other concepts.

This part often teams with the Intellectual part of the Emotional center to create writings of great intellectual and emotional consequence such as America's Constitution. America's free library system was created by this combination of centers. As was the postal service.

This part can think outside the parameters, laws and rules of the emotional and moving parts of this center. It can create the laws and rules with consideration of multiple influences. It can consider many shades of gray and devise rules for them.

This part tries to bring order to chaos. It creates classifications and names for animals, plants and other phenomenon, physical or not. This part wants a name for everything.

Overview of centers and their parts:
Intellectual Center

Intellectual - Understands shades of gray. Creates laws. Creates conceptual tools just for itself.

Emotional - Likes the sound of words. Thinks in black and white. Can impose harsh penalties for infractions of law.

Moving - Storage center for words and laws. Stimulus/Response. Plays words and phrases automatically and repeatedly in the head.

Instinctive - Speech

Emotional Center

Intellectual - Creative overview of relationships.

Emotional - Emotional likes and dislikes.

Moving - Emotional memory.

Instinctive - The bond (or lack of) between parent and child.

Moving Center

Intellectual - Intentional movement. Trains the moving part to repeat precise, complex movements with little variation.

Emotional- Positive side: enjoyment of undisciplined movement. Negative side: Competition - both winning and not winning. Destructive movement.

Moving - Storage of moving memories. Allows automatic and repetitive movements.

Instinctive - Walking and balance

Instinctive Center

Intellectual - Makes "best option" decisions to keep the body alive.

Emotional - Automatic flight or fight to protect the body.

Moving - Involuntary protective movements or acquisition of food. Storage of sensory data.

Instinctive - Automatic things that keep a body alive.

Copyright 2011 David Scott -- All Rights Reserved